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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:20 am

John:Yeah, it's that simple. They understand everyone has better things to do. *gets up, pushing his chair in and walking out* how excited are you for this Pokemon MMO thing? I here they have a pre-release showcase they're doing here. People like you can get your hands on it and play it some at booths and such. Yeah, it's a lot more than just a bunch of guys blabbing. They wanna see how a small group of the media likes it before they say anything big. I'm guessing they'd withhold a lot of information if the game doesn't fly well.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:22 am

Ryan: Well yeah, I will definitely make videos about that stuff when it comes up. I'll just do post....stuff....reaction videos to them.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:24 am

John:Well I'm sure they won't mind recording it. They'll probably tell you to tell your audience that this is a different version than what'll be released. Wana go back to the room so you can change in your normal clothes?.?

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:27 am

Ryan: Yeah, my shoulders will get cold if I don't put something warmer on.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:28 am

John:Huh. Never thought about that...*goes with Ryan back to their room, switching his clothes back with his normal ones and  hanging out on the balcony while Ryan does his thing*

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:31 am

Ryan finishes dressing and lets his hair down and goes to John.

Ryan: Alright, I'm done. Did I take long?

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:33 am

John:Nah. My mother took like an hour. You're much faster. ^ ^ Just another reason why traps are awesome. Oh, you didn't answer the question before, how excited are you for the two-decade anticipated PokeMMO? I mean people have been wanting this since MMOs existed.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:37 am

Ryan: Well I am really excited about it. It should be a lot of fun. I can do so much in that game with my fans too. It'll be amazing.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:41 am

John:Alright, well...damn, what is there to do? Unless you wanna go check out the helipad or go up on deck, it might just be better to see if I an get us some free internet.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:43 am

Ryan: Let's go and check out the helipad. i'm really interested.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:47 am

John:Really? Cool. ^ ^ Let's go then. 


John:*leaning over a rail to look at the ocean* So here we are. Rather dark, but the moon is a very good light source when you're out in the dark sea like this. The ocean seems more like an abyss than a body of water, save for the splashes and the reflections of the moon.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:52 am

Ryan: Yeah. It's kinda pretty. *puts his hands on the rail to look at the ocean*

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:54 am

John:I loved coming here when the upper decks got too loud with the partying and stuff. Apparently other people did too. Usually couples trying to have a romantic moment. My parents always told me I'd get myself killed coming here. Saying someone would throw me off the ship or kidnap me. Pfft.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:57 am

Ryan: Well obviously that's never happened. But I guess since we're together, there's nothing really stopping us from getting romantic here. Well there are our preferences in the way of that, but still.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:01 am

John:Well my preferences are more or less met here, I'm just not the type to be dramatically romantic like most people. I mean you're a beautiful trap, you've got a nice personality for my tastes, nice hair, everything's fine to me. As with everything, the "romance" here is up to you. I don't mind your decision either way you go proceed.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:08 am

Ryan: Well uh, leaving that all to me just puts pressure on me. Hehe. Yeah, that was a bad idea....

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:11 am

John:Look, seriously, it's fine. This isn't that big of a decision. If I were in your position I'd really have no idea which way to go about this either. We're in a lax relationship here, there's no wrong answer to this situation. *hugs him*

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:13 am

Ryan: Alright. I guess we can just kiss for a bit if that's alright with you. *hugs him*

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:17 am

John:Yeah, that's fine. *kisses Ryan while stroking his hair once or twice* Heh. Well, first actual kiss at like...what? 34 years old? ^//^u

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:21 am

Ryan: Well it's better than never having one. ^//^

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:24 am

John:Yeah, and it's great because I'm sure you're perfect. ^//^ Okay, this is kind of romantic of me, but it's based on some pretty solid facts. This is nice though. and if you tell your viewers about this I'm sure they'd go wild. Hehe.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:27 am

Ryan: Yeah that would be fun. "Hey everyone, just had my first kiss with my boyfriend. Woohoo." I'm sure my mom would be proud of that.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:32 am

John:Yep, huge cheers from your fans I'm sure. Hmm...and I suppose one more, not sure how often we'll be doing this. ^//^u *kisses him again, for a slightly longer period int he same fashion* So then, are we sticking around for a while longer or are we going back? It seems...*looks at his watch* We've managed to kill nearly an hour here. Time sure does fly...

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Arcus Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:52 am

Ryan: Yeah, let's go back to our room now.

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In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters] - Page 15 Empty Re: In Real Life [wouldn't let me call it IRL, needs more than 4 letters]

Post by Zoprxki Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:46 am

~Later, room~

John:*looking over a pamphlet* So tomorrow's the first actual event. Then at night they'll allow people to play. 

Did Ryan record anything that day or no?.?

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